RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine


Development of a Decision Support Tool to secure cattle production in chlordecone-contaminated areas

74th European Federation of Animal Science Congress, 26 août - 01 septembre, Lyon, France

Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Fourcot, A., Saint-Hilaire, M., Le Roux, Y., Rychen, G.


Soil historical contamination by chlordecone (CLD) is weakening the Caribbean livestock production in contaminated areas. The first impact is concerning farmers who are threatened by providing non-compliant carcasses. Indeed, some breeders have decided to stop their activity without any new facilities taking over, reducing, thus, the volume of local production. Furthermore, the existence of contaminated carcasses affects consumer confidence in local animal products. Such elements impair societal objectives of maintaining ecosystem services provided by livestock farming and producing healthy local food. Animal contamination depends on environment contamination and on farming practices. Its determinism remains therefore complex. However, it is essential for farmers to know the contamination status of their animals before deciding whether or not to send them to the slaughterhouse.


These elements of context made it necessary to develop a Decision Support Tool (DST) to guarantee the conformity of animal products. Thus a DST, based on a PBPK model, was created and developed on the fate of CLD in adult cattle. This DST is based on two main elements:

- the hability of the adult bovine to eliminate CLD

- the predictability of eadible tissue concentrations from serum levels.

Thus, from an initial blood sample, the decontamination period required to respect the Maximum Residue Limit in perirenal fat (regulated target tissue) can now be estimated.


This DST has recently been validated in situ. This validation process was possible due to a close collaboration between stakeholders: volunteer farmers recruited, local livestock organizations (GDSM, Sanigwa), administrative authorities taking charge of CLD analyses (Prefectures), and analytical laboratories (IPG, LDA). A steering committee including the DGAL and the two Prefectures was also set up. In the next step, local actors will be trained to implement the DST on a larger scale.


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