RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine

Productions scientifiques Aquaculture

Main conclusions and perspectives from the collective scientific assessment on the effects of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services along the land–sea continuum in France and French overseas territories

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1 (1), pp. 1-16.

Pesce S., Mamy L., Sanchez W., Amichot A., Artigas J., Aviron S., Barthelemy C., Baudouin R., Bedos C., Berard A., Berny P., Bertrand C., Bertrand C., Betoulle S., Bureau-Point E., Charles S., Chaumot A., Chauvel B., Coeurdassier M., Corio-Costet M-F., Coutellec M-A., Crouzet O., Doussan I., Fabure J., Fritsch C., Gallai N., Gonzales P., Gouy V., Hedde M., Langlais A., Le Bellec F., Leboulanger C., Margoum C., Martin-Laurent F., Mongruel R., Morin S., Mougin C., Munaron D., Nelieu S., Pelosi C., Rault M., Sabater S., Stachowski-Hakerkorn S., Sucre E., Thomas M., Tournebize J., Leenhardt S.


Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services is critical for sustainable development and human well-being. However, an unprecedented erosion of biodiversity is observed and the use of plant protection products (PPP) has been identified as one of its main causes. In this context, at the request of the French Ministries responsible for the Environment, for Agriculture and for Research, a panel of 46 scientific experts ran a nearly 2-year-long (2020–2022) collective scientific assessment (CSA) of international scientific knowledge relating to the impacts of PPP on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The scope of this CSA covered the terrestrial, atmospheric, freshwater, and marine environments (with the exception of groundwater) in their continuity from the site of PPP application to the ocean, in France and French overseas territories, based on international knowledge produced on or transposable to this type of context (climate, PPP used, biodiversity present, etc.). Here, we provide a brief summary of the CSA’s main conclusions, which were drawn from about 4500 international publications. Our analysis finds that PPP contaminate all environmental matrices, including biota, and cause direct and indirect ecotoxicological effects that unequivocally contribute to the decline of certain biological groups and alter certain ecosystem functions and services. Levers for action to limit PPP-driven pollution and effects on environmental compartments include local measures from plot to landscape scales and regulatory improvements. However, there are still significant gaps in knowledge regarding environmental contamination by PPPs and its effect on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. Perspectives and research needs are proposed to address these gaps.

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DON - Bases de données type Storefish

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