RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine

Productions scientifiques Micropolluants

Organochlorines in the Vaccarès Lagoon trophic web (Biosphere Reserve of Camargue, France).

Environmental Pollution, 157 (8-9), pp. 2493-2506.

Roche, H., Vollaire, Y., Persic, A., Buet, A., Oliveira-Ribeiro, C., Coulet, E., Banas, D., Ramade, F.


During a decade (1996-2006), ecotoxicological studies were carried out in biota of the Vaccarès Lagoon (Biosphere Reserve in Rhone Delta, France). A multicontamination was shown at all levels of the trophic web due to a direct bioconcentration of chemical from the medium combined with a food transfer. Here, the pollutants investigated were organochlorines, among which many compounds banned or in the course of prohibition (or restriction) (PCB, lindane, pp′-DDE, dieldrin, aldrin, heptachlor, endosulfan...) and some substances likely still used in the Rhone River basin (diuron, fipronil). The results confirmed the ubiquity of contamination. It proves to be chronic, variable and tends to regress; however contamination levels depend on the trophic compartment. A biomagnification process was showed. A comparison of investigation methods used in other Mediterranean wetlands provides basis of discussion, and demonstrates the urgent need of modelling to assess the ecotoxicological risk in order to improve the management of such protected areas.

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