RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine

Productions scientifiques Micropolluants

Effects of glyphosate and a commercial formulation Roundup® exposures on maturation of Xenopus laevis oocytes

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (14), pp. 3697–3705.

Slaby, S., Titran, P., Marchand, P., Hanotel, J., Lescuyer, A., Leprêtre, A., Bodart, J.-F., Marin, M., Lemière, S.


Pesticides are often found at high concentrations in small ponds near agricultural field where amphibians are used to live and reproduce. Even if there are many studies on the impacts of phytopharmaceutical active ingredients in amphibian toxicology, only a few are interested in the earlier steps of their life cycle. While their populations are highly threatened with extinction. The aim of this work is to characterize the effects of glyphosate and its commercial formulation Roundup® GT Max on the Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation which is an essential preparation for the laying and the fertilization. Glyphosate is an extensively used herbicide, not only known for its effectiveness but also for its indirect impacts on non-target organisms. Our results showed that exposures to both forms of glyphosate delayed this hormone-dependent process and were responsible for spontaneous maturation. Severe and particular morphogenesis abnormalities of the meiotic spindle were also observed. The MAPK pathway and the MPF did not seem to be affected by exposures. The xenopus oocyte is particularly affected by the exposures and appears as a relevant model for assessing the effects of environmental contamination.

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