RP2E INRA Université de Lorraine

Antimicrobial activity of the butanolic and methanolic extracts of Ampelodesma mauritanica

Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 3 (1), pp. 19-21.

Toudert, N., Djilani, S.E., Djilani, A., Dicko, A., Soulimani, R.


The crude methanolic and butanolic extracts of the aerial parts of Ampelodesma mauritanica were examined for antibacterial and antifungal activity in vitro using the disc diffusion method. Activity against five bacterial strains (gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria) and one fungal strain is discussed. Phytochemical screening shows that this plant is particularly rich in flavonoids and saponins which might be responsible for its antimicrobial activity.

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