Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Diakos, E., Pasquet, A., Hardy, A., Chevalier, C., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
Emmanouil Diakos*, Alain Pasquet, Antoine Hardy, Céline Chevalier, Pascal Fontaine, Thomas Lecocq
University of Lorraine, INRAE, UR AFPA, Nancy, France
Domestication is the process by which a species bred in a captive environment, and modified across successive generations from its wild ancestors, becomes more useful to humans who control increasingly its reproduction and food supply. Domestication has been described in five levels, as the acclimatization of wild fish to human facilities (level 1), the completion of the life cycle in captivity partially (level 2), then completely with wild outputs (level 3) or without wild outputs (level 4), and, finally, to selection programs to meet specific breeding goals (level 5) (Teletchea and Fontaine, 2012). Among traits that change under a domestication process, behaviors as phenotypes are the most directly influenced (Pasquet, 2018). However, few studies have investigated the behavioural differences between wild fish at early domestication (i.e., levels 1 & 2) and fish bred for several generations in captivity (levels 3 and above), despite the fact that such changes can occur very rapidly in the domestication process (Huntingford, 2004). Using the mirror-biting test, we compared behavioral traits involved in activity, aggression and stress, between wild caught zebrafish acclimatized to captivity (F0), their offspring (F1) reared in captivity, and three laboratory wild-type strains (AB, TU, and WIK).
Materials and methods
We tested 174 zebrafish in the mirror biting test under 5 different groups considering the different levels of their domestication: F0 (level 1), F1 (level 4), AB, TU, and WIK (all laboratory strains were considered at level 5). The F0 were wild fish collected from Bangladesh and acclimatized to captive conditions from June 2022. The F1 was the first generation produced by the F0 in captive condition in March 2023. The individuals were housed in 3.5 L tanks part of a recirculated water standalone rack (Tecniplast) under conditions that met the physico-chemical requirements of the species.
An individual 18h acclimatization in the experimental tank with all sides covered occurred before the beginning of each test. All tracking was performed with the R- package trackR (Garnier 2022) in RStudio (R Core Team 2022; version 4.2.1). The tracking was conducted for each individual, when the mirror cover was removed and lasted one hour generating 90,000 frames. Behavioural analysis was done using RStudio (R Core Team 2022; version 4.2.1), by coding an optimized script to obtain behavioural results from the data table produced by trackR after tracking. The most relevant behaviors for the mirror-biting test were based on definitions used in the literature (see (Audira et al., 2018; Kalueff et al., 2013)). All statistical analyses and formatting of results were carried out using RStudio. First, correlation between traits were assessed (i.e. Pearson’s correlation) and for highly correlated traits, one of the traits was randomly chosen. Second, a principal component analysis (PCA) was done to assess divergences between the groups tested. Third, the potential divergences between the five groups of zebrafish were further assessed by a global multi-response permutation procedures (MRPP) using R-package vegan (Oksanen et al., 2020) and 10000 permutations. In parallel, we also tested a potential divergence between sexes and the two AB age classes with a MRPP. As these results were not statistically significant (p-value = 0.56 and 0.62, respectively), we no longer distinguished between the sexes and ages in the analyses that followed. Fourth, when the global MRPP was significant (e.g. p-value < 0.05), we performed a pairwise MRPP between each pair of groups and applied a Bonferroni correction. Fifth, an indicator value (IndVal) (Dufrêne and Legendre, 1997) R-package labdsv (Roberts, 2023) was performed to determine which behaviors were most expressed by each of the five groups of fish. Finally, we investigated the intragroup variability by calculating the distance between individuals and the centroid of each group in PCA space. These distances were then compared between groups using a global Kruskal-Wallis test and followed, if the test result was statistically significant, i.e. p-value <0.05) by a Dunn's test using the R-package rstatix (Kassambara, 2023).
The three first axes of the PCA were taken into consideration and they represented 27.8% of the variance (axis 1), 21.3% (axis 2) and 14.8% (axis 3) (Figure). The behaviors contributing to the maximum of variance on the three axes differed. The first axis represented activity, opposing immobility to travelled distance. The second axis represented aggressiveness opposing presence in the contact zone, and aggression to the mirror and presence in zones farther from the mirror. The third axis was more linked to stress opposing thigmotaxis and acceleration to the presence in zones near the mirror. The different strains and generation differed relatively to the PCA analysis. The overall MRPP was significant (A=0.0963, p<0.01). AB and ABw differed from all the other strains and F1. Wild (F0) differed from F1. According to IndVal, the F0 were characterized by periods of immobility and aggressiveness to the mirror. The F1 displayed more erratic behaviors to the mirror alternating aggressiveness (U-turns, aggressive acceleration) and stress (thigmotaxis). AB and ABw were more characterized by activity, and exploration of the different zones. The Dunn’s test showed intra-strains variance with AB showing less variability than Wild and F1 (Dunn test: z=4.81 p<0.0005, z=6.2, p=0.0006 respectively).
The results showed behavioural differences between the two generations of wild zebrafish (F0 and F1), while AB differed from TU and WIK, although they are supposed to be at the same level of domestication (i.e., 5). Lower aggressiveness in F1 agrees with the domestication increasing docility scenario (Wilkins et al., 2014). Activity, stress and aggressiveness have been linked to the domestication of organisms as modifications from their wild counterparts (Milla et al., 2021). This divergence from the wild during the domestication process is due to the increasing control of humans over a species life cycle, along with the decreasing gene flow from the wild in successive generations (Teletchea and Fontaine, 2012). Behavioral traits have been described as the first to be affected by this process in fish (Huntingford, 2004; Pasquet, 2018) as well as in mammals (Sánchez-Villagra et al., 2016) with main changes involving increased docility (Lu et al., 2022), reduction in avoidance behavior (Álvarez and Nicieza, 2003), changes in risk-taking behavior and in general decreased stress response in the rearing environment (Milla et al., 2021; Pasquet, 2018).
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Audira, G., Sampurna, B., Juniardi, S., Liang, S.-T., Lai, Y.-H., Hsiao, C.-D., 2018. A Versatile Setup for Measuring Multiple Behavior Endpoints in Zebrafish. Inventions 3, 75.
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3nd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, 26-30 juillet, Montréal, Canada
Chevalier, C., Praion, M., Lambert, S., Ledore, Y., Lecocq, T., Shahjahan, M.-D., Silvestre, F., Milla, S., Schaerlinger, B.
European Aquaculture Society EAS, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Al Dakdouki, S., Fontaine, P., Ledore, Y., Nivelle, R., Changey, F.
7ème conference Panafrican Association on Fish and Fisheries, 18-22 septembre, Brazzaville, République du Congo
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, 19-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Bernath, G., Milla, S., Várkonyi, L., Ledore, Y., Griffitts, J.D., Fontaine, P., Urbányi, B., Bokor, Z.
74th Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 28-31 août, Lyon, France
Collas, C., Laflotte, A., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T., Thomas, M.
74th European Federation of Animal Science Congress, 26 août - 01 septembre, Lyon, France
Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Fourcot, A., Saint-Hilaire, M., Le Roux, Y., Rychen, G.
Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, 18-21 septembre, New Castle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Girard, L., Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Latourre, Q., Maillot, M., Corson, M.
12th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, 15-19 mai, Crete, Greece
Schaerlinger, B., Fontagne-dicharry, S., Gasmi, S., Durante-alami, H., Ledore, Y., Fontaine, P., Nahon, S., Chardard, D.
Aquaculture Europe 2023, Balanced Diversity in Aquaculture Development, 18-21 septembre, Vienne, Autriche
Thomas, M., Amoussou, N., Pasquet, A., Lecocq, T.
Aquaculture Europe, 27-30 septembre, Rimini, Italie
Aubin, J., Thomas, M., Lecocq, T., Robin, J., Dupont, C., Tocqueville, A., Laithier, J., Pannard, A., Coudreuse, J., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Maillot, M., Corson, M.S.
73rd Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 05-08 septembre, Porto, Portugal
Collas, C., Briot, L., Fleurance, G., Dozias, D., Launay, F., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S.
73rd Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, 05-08 septembre, Porto, Portugal
Collas, C., Gourdine, J.-L., Beramine, D., Badot, P.-M., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S.
8th international workshop on the biology of fish gametes. Gametes workshop., 20-23 septembre, Gdansk, Pologne
Ljubobratovic, U., Kitanovic, N., Milla, S., Marinovic, Z., Fazekas, G., Stanivuk, J., Zarski, D., Horvath, A.
5th International Percid Fish Symposium - Percis V, 18-23 septembre, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Senff, P., Fourrier, C., Abd Al Rahim, S., Gerard, E., Milla, S., Nivelle, R., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2022, 27-30 septembre, Rimini, Italy
Senff, P., Gerard, E., Polowczyk, O., Piga, V., Grosjean, J., Robin, C., Fontaine, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Amoussou, N., Lecocq, T., Pasquet, A., Thomas, M.
FishBase SeaLifeBase Symposium, 30 years of FishBase – 15 years of FishBase, 06 septembre - 07 septembre, Paris, France
Chardard, D., Willig, C., Bailly, N., Atanacio, R., Fordoxcel, L., Delaunay, S., Gerard, P.-A., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Detcheverry, E., Lemallier, E., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Durand, E., Gustave, E., Vasconcelos, R., Perrin, L., Drogue, G., Teletchea, F.
Colloque Aquaculture Europe 2021, 04-07 octobre, Madeira, Portugal
El Mohajer, L., Chevalier, C., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
Franco-Canadian Congress of Aquatic Sciences, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, France
Fontaine, P.
2ème Conférence Internationale POLYSAC 2021, 11-13 décembre, SFAX, TUNISIE
Hentati, F., Narmuratova, Z., Girardet, J.-M., Narmuratova, M., Cakir-Kiefer, C.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Lecocq, T., Toomey, L., Fontaine, P.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Lecointre, G., Schnell, N., Teletchea, F.
Aquaculture Europe 2021, 05-08 octobre, Madère, Portugal
Senff, P., Polowczyk, O., Grosjean, J., Milla, S., Robin, C., Fontaine, P.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, F.
FishBase SeaLifeBase Symposium, 30 years of FishBase – 15 years of FishBase, 06-07 septembre, Paris, France
Teletchea, F., Union des conservateurs d'aquariums, Barthelemy, D.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Teletchea, S., Venturelli, P., Teletchea, F.
1st Franco-Canadian of Aquatic Sciences, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, 30 septembre - 03 octobre, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Viana, J., Briand, E., Gustave, E., Perrin, L., Vasconcelos, R., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
1er Congrès International des Sciences Aquatiques de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, 30 septembre - 05 juin, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, France
Viana, J., Briand, E., Perrin, L., Gustave, E., Audet, C., Teletchea, F.
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Biology & Therapeutics 2020, 02-04 décembre, Virtual meeting, USA
Vigier, M., Herzine, A., Djelti, F., Yen, F., Oster, T., Malaplate, C.
3th international conference on fish and shellfish immunology, 16-20 juin, Las Palmas, Spain
Baekelandt, S., Milla, S., Cornet, V., Flamion, E., Ledore, Y., Redivo, B., Antipine, S., Mandiki, S.N.M., El Kertaoui, N., Schmitz, M., Kestemont, P.
Biomolecules: Research & Development, Markets and Acceptability, 23-25 octobre, Palma de Majorque, Espagne
Barrau, S., Gaiani, C., Retourney, C., Mangavel, C., Le Roux, Y., Soligot-Hognon, C., Delannoy, M., Scher, J., Burgain, J.
3rd Summer Shoal 2019 on Fish Ethology & Welfare, 10 septembre - 13 novembre, Algarve, Portugal
Colchen, T., Teletchea, F., Ysnel, F., Carpentier, A., Trancart, T., Feunteun, E., Fontaine, P., Pasquet, A.
DIXOIN 2019 - 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutant, 25 août - 30 août, Kyoto, Japon
Coulange, M., Fourcot, A., Fournier, A., Narduzzi, L., Rychen, G., Le Bizec, B., Feidt, C., Dervilly, G.
EAS Aquaculture Europe, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
El Mohajer, L., Selmi, S., Fontaine, P., Milla, S.
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26-30 août, Ghent, Belgium
Germain, K., Collas, C., Brachet, M., Jurjanz, S.
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26-30 août, Ghent, Belgium
Jurjanz, S., Collas, C., Quish, C., Younge, B., Feidt, C.
70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26-30 août, Ghent, Belgium
Quish, C., Arkins, S., Jurjanz, S., Collas, C., Feidt, C., Younge, B.
43rd larval fish conference, 21-24 juin, Mallorca, Espagne
Teletchea, F., Schnell, N., Lecointre, G.
European Aquaculture, 07-11 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Thomas, M., Pasquet, A., Ledore, Y., Schaeffer, L., Nahon, S., Aubin, J., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Benard, A., Lecocq, T.
XVI European Congress of Ichthyology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Sep - 6 Sep
Toomey, L., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
9th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, 08-12 janvier, Malaga, Espagne
Toomey, L., Pasquet, A., Teletchea, F., Fontaine, P., Lecocq, T.
43rd larval fish conference, 21-24 juin, Mallorca, Espagne
Venturelli, P., Teletchea, F.
70th EAAP Annual Meeting, 26-30 august, Ghent, Belgium
Viel, J., Ringuet, A., Mauclert, J., Laclef, E., Jurjanz, S.
Aquaculture Europe 2019, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Zarski, D., Bernath, G., Ben Ammar, I., Mandiki, S.N.M., Baekelandt, S., Bokor, Z., Fontaine, P., Horvath, A., Kestemont, P.
Aquaculture Europe 2019, 07-10 octobre, Berlin, Allemagne
Zarski, D., Le Cam, A., Nynca, J., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.
7th International workshop of the biology of fish gametes, 02-06 septembre, Rennes, France
Zarski, D., Nynca, J., Le Cam, A., Klopp, C., Montfort, J., Fontaine, P., Ciereszko, A., Bobe, J.